Monday, February 28, 2011

Simple Food

From the recipes I've provided so far, it doesn't look like I eat necessarily "simply".  But the truth is, I pretty much stick to the same foods on a daily basis, sometimes depending on what is in season, what is cheapest.  This is especially true when I try a combination of something or a flavor that I really like.  Most people who know me well know this about me and can vouch, so ask them.  Whoever they are.

I started to get interested in Dietetics when I went to college, where my free time was spent researching recipes, nutrition, fitness, you name it.  It wasn't until I started really getting into the schooling and the professional issues that I realized my passion.

One of my goals in college was to find out what I would be happy doing.  I discovered a lot about myself through writing pages and pages, first starting with my interpretations of philosophy, religion, our existence on this earth.  And I have never been bored in coming up with hypotheses on different concepts and then discussing those ideas with people.  I have always been open to others' theories and I love to ask questions, so it usually makes for really interesting conversation.

I love hearing other's perspective because it  not only opens my eyes to new ideas and thought processes, but it helps me solidify my own.  And I respect all views. To each his own, right?

I loved working for WIC because I felt like I was giving to those who are in need.  I was often frustrated, though, because of the restrictions the USDA puts on this program.  I would often educate my clients on how they can save money in the most simple ways, leading to their children actually liking fruits and vegetables.  Some of my theories, for those who were able, considered learning to grow your own food, and especially getting the kids involved.  Learning to can and store your own food as a fun hobby to learn as a family.  Also buying in season fruits and vegetables because they are often much cheaper and they taste better!  And if possible, supporting local farmers.

I could easily go on and on about this topic on the why and how, but I will contain myself.  This time.

Much of my passion for good, clean, and fair food is from that of Slow Food.  I learned about this movement in Italy, when I studied there 3 years ago, and I knew right then and there it was something I needed to be involved in.  It encompasses all that I believe and want to work for, and it allows me to theorize, write, interpret, educate, respect, have compassion, continue learning and gain fulfillment in my job!

Slow Food started in Rome, Italy as a protest against putting in a McDonald's at the bottom the the Spanish steps  (fyi-the McDonald's went up anyway, I saw it!).  It has turned into a Movement that has spread to every country and now every state in the US, and there are even many local chapters in each state.  Their idea is to slow down the meal--and slow down as a way of living too.  They commit to and have respect for the community and the environment.  If you haven't heard of it, I would recommend even just reading about it--it will truly open your eyes and may even provide for a changed perspective.

Again, something I could talk extensively on, but I feel like there will be ample opportunity for that.

The University I am going to in Italy for my Master's in tied in with Slow Food.  I will be doing an internship in the last 3 months of my schooling, and I am hoping this will give me the "foot in the door" I need to be part of this movement--in some way or another.

I look forward to the continued education and further awareness of not only my Italian heritage, but the agricultural heritage that has led me to my stated simple food.

Slow Food unites the pleasure of food with responsibility, sustainability, and harmony with nature. Carlo Petrini, Slow Food founder and president


  1. Great - so common sense and necessary in our fast paced world. YOU GO GIRL! Proud of you and the good you're doing and the message you're living and giving.

  2. Thank you so much, Patty! I must say that I am inspired and influenced by many. Including you!
