I really have been able to take time for what I feel is important and necessary. I have used the phrase a couple of times in the last month that "there is a time for everything". What is amazing is the time I am "taking" is not spent as much on the past or the future. I am focusing so much more now on the present--something I have always really strived for in my life. How did this happen? How did the switch just flip?
Someone recently told me that I am very balanced, and granted, this was right after having done a head-stand contest and realizing how good my physical balance is. When we talked later about the idea of physical and inner balance, he said to me that I am very well in tune to myself and aware of what I am feeling.
The action I am currently working on, however, is the communicating of my feelings and needs. I long to get better at honoring my desire for relationship while allowing for openness to transform in these needs. I have set my heart on being more conscious on how to communicate the inner balance and/or imbalance I feel into active ideas and thoughts.
This is not an easy task for me and I will probably be set back before I accomplish the ideal. However, as I was talking to one of my classmates on our walk the other day, Communication is part of the title in our Master. It is part of the reason I am here. How incredible that what I feel I need to improve upon could be directly and/or indirectly involved in the knowledge I gain both in class and (mostly) outside of class.
I will work on this balance I have as part of the process of improving my communication. I will take time, in the present moment to focus on my words and what I am feeling and be able to merge this into vocal expression.
In the same way, I want to remember my connection to the unlimited oneness of the universe. I've been talking to friends these past couple of weeks on this topic, and I know my need for improvement in consciousness and being receptive of this link. I truly believe what we feel could be influenced by outside sources, beyond our imagining. We are one with each other in the end, and this will be acknowledged more as time goes on.
Happy Birthday Molly !!! Love, Uncle Frank and Robin